- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Mindful Eating – Achtsames Essen (auf Englisch)
2. März 2024 - 18:00 - 19:30

Discover a new relationship with the food. Learn to appreciate, enjoy and savour your meal.
In a world of multitasking and fast-food, mindless eating is all too common. We have less and less time and ability to stop, stay focused and get in touch with our inner selves – our thoughts, feelings, sensations.
Mindful eating involves paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking, both inside and outside the body. Food is a powerful sensual experience that engages all our senses. We pay undivided attention to the colours, smells, textures, flavours, temperatures and even the sounds of our food. We become fully engaged in the present moment.
Ela Amarie, Mindful Brain: Web
- Linsen-Rüäblisuppe (Vegan/Glutenfrei)
- Curry-Eintopf mit Blumenkohl, Kartoffeln und Gebackenen Kichererbsen (Vegan/Glutenfrei) dazu Minisandwiches: Randenhummus und Harisarüäbli (Vegan/Glutenfrei)
- Schoggi-Brownie (Glutenfrei)
Debattierhaus Karl der Grosse, Flüsterfoyer (Blaues Foyer)
- Datum:
- 2. März 2024
- Zeit:
18:00 - 19:30
- Veranstaltungskategorien:
- 2. März 2024, erkunden & etwas machen
- Debattierhaus Karl der Grosse
Kirchgasse 14
Zürich, 8001 Schweiz - Telefon
- 044 415 68 67
- Veranstaltungsort-Website anzeigen